Heptapod and Mercurial#

Currently, we are experimenting with using Mercurial instead of Git. I (Pierre Augier) think than modern Mercurial with Heptapod can be a good technical choice for this project. Using Mercurial for this project would tend to increase the diversity in terms of versioning tools which is a good thing considering the current situation of Git monopoly.

However, since most potential developers are used to Git, it represents a technical barrier for contribution. We try to make this barrier as small as possible by providing good documentation on contributing with Heptapod and Mercurial.


Except if you really know what you do, read at least the first sections of this page before contributing.

Get the developer or maintainer role#

No need to fork the repositories to contribute! The first step instead is to log in on https://foss.heptapod.net (one can use a Github or Gitlab account) and send a message in this issue to get the “developer” or “maintainer” role for https://foss.heptapod.net/py-edu-fr.

Contribute via the web interface#

Once you became “developer” or “maintainer” of the project, you can modify a file via the web interface. Click on edit in the Heptapod interface showing a file, edit the file and commit the changes in a new Gitlab branch.


Since the GitLab branch HAS to corresponds to a Mercurial topic, you HAVE to choose a name in the form topic/default/my-nice-topic-name (replace my-nice-topic-name with something appropriate).

Contribute with local development using Mercurial#

Differences compared to the common Github workflow#

  • No need to fork the repo to contribute!

  • hg pull just gets the commits and does not update to the tip of the current branch.

  • For feature branches, we use Mercurial topics. To create a new feature branch use

    hg pull
    hg up default
    hg topic my-topic-name

    and not hg branch my-name-name, which corresponds to something else in Mercurial!

  • No Git index in Mercurial. Most of the time (no new/removed files) no need to use hg add. If you want to commit only few changes, you can use hg commit my_file or hg commit -i (interactive).

Add a ssh key to foss.heptapod.net#

Add a ssh key here https://foss.heptapod.net/-/user_settings/ssh_keys. As usually with Github and Gitlab, this is not mandatory but (i) not difficult and (ii) much more convenient than with https in the long term.

Install and setup modern Mercurial#

For this project, we use modern Mercurial using the topic and evolve extensions. General Mercurial installation instructions are given here https://www.mercurial-scm.org/install, however, except if you really know what you do, I suggest that you just follow the following instructions. Since Mercurial is a Python application, recent versions can be installed with UV or Pipx. However, for Windows it is still better to just download and install TortoiseHG, so for Windows skip the first step.

  • Install Mercurial and its extensions (Unix)

    uv tool install mercurial --with hg-git --with hg-evolve
    pipx install mercurial
    pipx inject mercurial hg-git hg-evolve
  • Check that hg corresponds to the Mercurial installed with UV or Pipx

    hg debuginstall
    Not using the right hg?

    Importantly, the directory where UV/Pipx puts the executables has to be before other directories where older Mercurial can be present so that hg really corresponds to the Mercurial install with UV/Pipx. You can check the environment variable $PATH.

  • Setup Mercurial (config file ~/.hgrc and completion) (Unix and Windows)

    uvx hg-setup init
    # complete information, save the config file and quit hg-setup
    pipx run hg-setup init
    # complete information, save the config file and quit hg-setup
  • Check that everything is fine. Are evolve and topic indeed enabled?

    hg version -v

Clone the repository#

Finally, you should be able to clone a repo with

hg clone ssh://hg@foss.heptapod.net/py-edu-fr/py-edu-fr.pages.heptapod.net py-edu-fr-website
hg clone ssh://hg@foss.heptapod.net/py-edu-fr/py-edu-fr-science
hg clone ssh://hg@foss.heptapod.net/py-edu-fr/py-edu-fr-jupyterlite
hg clone ssh://hg@foss.heptapod.net/py-edu-fr/py-edu-fr-initiation
hg clone ssh://hg@foss.heptapod.net/py-edu-fr/py-edu-fr-gallery


No need to fork! No kidding, you have to copy/paste exactly this line.

Commit and send changes#

This project uses basically the same workflow as Mercurial itself: see https://wiki.mercurial-scm.org/Heptapod for a more thorough overview.

To submit a topic-based merge request, use things like:

  • Example short version:

hg pull
# up or update
hg up default
hg topic improve-something
# file edition ...
make format
hg commit -m "setup: fix ..."
hg push
  • Example longer version:

hg pull
# lg is an alias for log --graph (check the `@` to see where you are)
hg lg
# up or update
hg up default
hg topic improve-something
hg sum
# edit/add/remove files...
# format the code
make format
# check that it builds
# st or status: list files status
hg st
# if there are new or deleted files, one can use hg add, hg addre or hg remove
# list the commits in the topic
hg stack
hg diff
hg meld
hg commit -m "setup: fix ..."
hg push

Get some help#

hg help and hg help a-command are your friends. You can read the help for commands and other subjects in https://www.mercurial-scm.org/.

If you encounter issues with Mercurial while working on py-edu-fr, do not hesitate to open an issue in our issue tracker and/or ask questions/explain problems in our dedicated chat.

Introduction to history edition with Mercurial#

With the topic and evolve extensions, Mercurial is strong for collaborative and safe history edition. One can watch this short video to discover what it means.

When you work on a topic, the following commands can be useful for you.

hg stack
# list all changesets in a topic and other information

hg evolve
# fix common issues related to collaborative history edition
# you will be told when you need to use this command

hg rebase
# most of the time rebase can be used without argument and does the right thing

hg amend
# modify a commit
hg amend --edit
# to edit the commit message

hg absorb
# incorporate corrections into the stack of draft changesets